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Iron Mountain Rock
Iron Mountain is a dark gray slate with an iron content that with time can add a rusty appearance on the pieces. It has a smooth slate texture.
We have a large supply of Flagstone on hand in a variety of colors and sizes.
Sold by the pallet or by the piece.
For products under 7/8":
One Cubic Yard Covers
324 Sq Ft .......... 1" deep
162 Sq Ft .......... 2" deep
108 Sq Ft .......... 3" deep
81 Sq Ft .......... 4" deep
65 Sq Ft .......... 5" deep
54 Sq Ft .......... 6" deep
Rock Wall Formula
L x H
Sq ft per ton
1/2 man = 16 9" to 12"
1 man = 14 12" to 18"
2 man = 12 18" to 28"
3 man = 9 28" to 36"
4 man = 7 36" to 48"
5 man = 5 48" to 54"
6 man = 3 54" to 60"
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